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My name is Donna, when my husband was diagnosed with Brain Cancer at 59 I started to write a Journal, so I could remember everything I needed to about understanding this disease but also to remember every precious day that I would have with Brian knowing this may not be a happy ending.


Anyone going through a loss or illness will understand. the need to hang on to memories as that may be all you have left.  Most of us have suffered loss, some of us early in life and others later in life, either way the emotions and the impact that  we feel when this happens in our life has significant impact in the way we see life moving forward, all major life experiences  change us and and our families forever. 


I was introduced to a website called CaringBridge , this is an online website where you can journal and send updates to your family and friends confidentially including pictures on how your loved one is doing,  to my surprise this journal gave me peace, and something that allowed me to express how we were feeling.    My family and friends were my strength and support everyday to keep positive, they  cared so much and loved receiving my updates, they would send me back their comments with so much love and support,, 


My   story is a very short version of how it works and about some of my journey through those months.  I hope you enjoy the read. and understand the importance of being able to look back at the worst times in your life but also hang on to the great  memories you made together.  


This website will include stories of others going through similar experiences , inspiration stories to give you hope and   recommendations of how to move forward in your life. 


I encourage you to tell your story,  whether you have a loved one going through a devastating illness now or you have recently lost a loved one, this is very therapeutic and you will look back and cherish these memories forever.  Your story can be confidential and only shared with your permission to our subscribers,,  sharing  with each other about how you coped,  managed or stories' of inspiration for others that may give them hope.


 Our monthly Newsletter "Reflections"  will have updates on how to cope,  recommendations, of websites and books to read,  humor and hopefully  the Newsletter gives you a little peace to know you are not alone.


Our gifts of the heart is our boutique store where you might find a little something that will make your day or someone else's day a little brighter.  I am a firm supporter of Hospice facilities which are needed for the ill and elderly and I support Hospice 'with a donation of all purchases made on this site,


We all  have our memories that we need to hold onto and one day our tears will turn into smiles as we remember what we have lost.






Grief can be a difficult and painful experience. we understand that the grieving process is unique to each individual and situation. We offer support and recommendations  to help bring comfort to those who are grieving.


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